Safuu/SafuuX — The DeFi Era is Here For Good!

Mark Bouchard
11 min readAug 10, 2022




Ultimately, most people get involved in cryptocurrency because of the possibility and the attraction of earning their financial freedom. For many crypto users, currencies like BTC and ETH represents the monolithic foundation of cryptocurrency itself. And the idea that at some point, a technology would appear on the scene to disrupt the current kings of crypto seemed unforeseeable, or at least was far into the future, and practically unknowable. Add in the fact that as much as 70% of all crypto projects over the last five years were scams, most experienced crypto users today are generally pessimistic with a dash of extreme caution with their approach. After all, we are still in the ‘Wild, Wild, West” phase of electronic currencies. For newer crypto users, the current environment may seem like a brick wall with losing large amounts of money on various projects being the norm rather than the exception.

Over the last few years, many people involved in crypto have noted a lack of any major, paradigm shifting innovations/technology appearing on the scene. Crypto in general had a mini-renaissance prior to 2018 and then moved toward the NFT phase which had its own mini-bubble, and now, of course, Decentralized Finance is leading the way. After fits and starts, involving massive projects coming and going, DeFi is beginning to reflect a matured look at potential futures outside of the current fiat system — and allowing individuals to obtain their freedom from it. Decentralized Finance will gain prominence because it empowers sovereign individuals to end their reliance on a system designed to prevent their dreams from coming true.

At some point, it was bound to happen; it was way overdue. All serious DeFi projects have been attacked and maligned for the simple reason they represent the biggest threat to the paper currency system used against anyone trying to jump the fence and leave the fiat pen.

Well. There is now good news for the ENTIRE world. A giant in the cryptocurrency world has stepped up to the plate and answered the call. Enter Bryan Legend. A highly experienced and motivated individual armed with the genius required to both create a world-changing protocol and execute it. Standard DYOR is required, of course, but you will not be wasting a single second of your time. There has never been another cryptocurrency with as much transparency as SAFUU has shown. The volume of AMAs put out by Mr. Legend, the number of articles, and the volume of impromptu AMAs by SAFUU holders, leave not a single question unanswered. The Safuu/SafuuX Decentralized Finance cryptocurrency project is so different from everything else from the past, it is at the same time refreshing and exciting, but also extremely bullish for crypto users world-wide.

If polled, some early adopters would claim the SAFUU project is redefining how a cryptocurrency project should be conducted; and it is. The era of secrecy and anonymity running projects is ending because of the foresight and innovation to run SAFUU so transparently and openly. Simultaneously, Safuu holders receive a master class on what running a successful crypto project looks like — the way Bryan Legend is running SAFUU project is going to redefine how future projects are run. In the future, the only way projects are going to earn the complete trust of their communities is to mimic Mr. Legend’s lead. For newer crypto users who were lucky enough to get into SAFUU, consider yourselves extremely lucky for saving yourself all the grief of cutting your teeth on typical projects, most of which will never be successful long term.


For those of us dedicated crypto fans who have been around for a while, the refreshing changes brought to the scene by SAFUU are like a giant blast of long-term adrenaline. Consequently, many have observed things along the journey since March 1st that reinforce the deeply held belief that SAFUU is the next project of the ages such as the pace and speed of growth, the unprecedented transparency, the first mover advantage, and many other things. Being the world’s first sustainable, auto-compounding, auto-staking project has put Safuu/SafuuX into a position that makes ALL previous crypto projects look rusty and stale.

A major paradigm shift has begun with the introduction of Safuu/SafuuX. Over the course of the next several months and years, as Safuu’s fabulous success is realized, projects all over the world will find themselves contemplating joining the SFX Blockchain to extend their reach and profitability, and to avoid leaving rebase rewards on the table. Bryan and the Safuu/SafuuX team are creating something that is upsetting the cart and overturning fundamental assumptions about cryptocurrency plus taking pioneering steps helping to establish the long-term viability of Decentralized Finance in the minds of people around the world, particularly for all the new users who have yet to dip their toes into the nice, safe, and calm Safuu/SafuuX pools.

Something else long-term holders may have noticed is how disruptive to the established crypto world the arrival of Safuu/SafuuX has been. A few good examples include Certik losing their professionalism and slandering Safuu on the advice of anonymous parties, approximately 100 to 150 clone projects appearing within 4 to 6 weeks of the March 1st launch, Coingecko proving they are compromised by slandering the project on their Safuu page with a permanent banner message, the relentless and coordinated FUD and negativity, and the apparent attempts to manipulate the price and keep it down in the early stages by bad actors. Folks with enough years of crypto experience are excited by all this as it means Safuu/SafuuX is directly over the target and threatening the financial well-being of dozens if not hundreds of current/competing projects in their current states.

Some of the other indications of long-term success are reflected by the popularity of the Discord group. Safuu currently makes most other discords look dead or very boring; there are even times that when exciting news is released, the messages scroll by so fast, it is difficult to keep up. The Safuu/SafuuX community is also super strong and dedicated. Tough questions are answered clearly and almost immediately helping to onboard all the new crypto users who have seen the bright glow of Safuu/SafuuX light relative to the other projects out there. And let us not forget about the roadmap. One of the most aggressive seen in the crypto project sphere in a long time, and to date, EVERY milestone was met early or right on time. This points to a highly functional and coordinated team working behind the scenes and at the same time responding almost immediately to community requests that make sense and are agreed upon by everyone, especially for a project of this size and scope.

Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities only happen once for most of us. An individual may experience more than one opportunity, but the challenge is obtaining the ability to see through the mind fog and cognitive dissonance to pounce on said opportunity. That is why when it does occur, so many people find it difficult or impossible to believe it is happening and take advantage by pulling the trigger. For those who have seen the Safuu/SafuuX light, the dreams associated with financial freedom are already surging in our minds, planning for the summer of 2023 when life will change for so many Safuu/SafuuX holders forever.

What’s Next?

1. SafuuX Node Sale: If your funds allow it, give yourself the opportunity for a lucrative and steady passive income for at least the next decade and probably a lot longer. With both full and light nodes available, and at prices that make other projects look like price gouges, this one single opportunity apart from holding and rebasing will generate a lucrative, passive income for holders, particularly once major adoption has occurred, and the volume of transactions expands to ETH levels and beyond. Officially arriving the third week of August 2022 (right around the corner,) if you are a SAFUU holder and can afford it, buying a full or light node(s) gives you the potential for an extreme moneymaking future just from gas fees and rebases alone. In this case, “Safuu/SafuuX Node Sale” could be re-worded to say “Safuu/SafuuX Lifetime Riches Sale.”

2. Safuu/SafuuX Sacrifice: Set for October 20, Safuu token holders are encourages to participate in the sacrifice event to convert some or all the SAFUU they hold over to the new blockchain coin SafuuX (SFX.) The conversion rate to the SafuuX coin provides a strong financial incentive making the decision a no-brainer for most Safuu token holders. The actual sacrifice period is only one month until November 20, 2022. After that, the Test net starts, and the rebasing begins again. In addition to all these benefits and more, and just like how it was with the Safuu token, there is an introductory APY for the SafuuX coin that ends on June 30, 2023. This means purchasing Safuu (or SafuuX after main net launch) at any point between now and then will cause your holdings to nearly double every month (except for Oct 20, 2022 to Nov 20, 2022 sacrifice period) until the end of next June 2023 — leaving the typical holder uplifted and excited for the new possibilities in life.

3. Financial Freedom Awaits: Several Safuu token investors are already on track to become billionaires, with many dozens and possibly hundreds of millionaires as well. If you are new to the Safuu/SafuuX scene, take the plunge and make a purchase. This is possibly the last project you will ever need to be involved in before obtaining the financial freedom we all want so much. If you were to talk to a group of rabid Safuu/SafuuX supporters, you will find hundreds of people who are saying this is it. This is the one. The project for the ages, and here we all are at the very ground floor, looking at a potential that exceeds even the wildest dreams of our most imaginative community members.

This article is an attempt to unstick stuck minds and provide readers with a potential a glimpse of the future they want by expressing a lot of what most Safuu token holders already realize. If you are new to Safuu/SafuuX, the hope is after reading this you are motivated to begin the journey to financial independence, if you haven’t already, and start the process of manifesting your future — with the Safuu/SafuuX project, the path has never been more clearly in view.


  1. Safuu/SafuuX and Bryan Legend will become household names around the world.
  2. Safuu/SafuuX will take its place in crypto history by supplanting BSC and ETH within 2 to 3 years and
  3. Safuu/SafuuX will spawn an enormous number of billionaires, millionaires, and thousandaires in the short term, and hundreds if not thousands more down the road.
  4. Safuu/SafuuX will become a global phenomenon with regular parties/get togethers in various locales for all its rabid fans every year — airline, auto racing, lifestyle products, conventions, Satoshi Island, and of course financial freedom in the biggest way imaginable.
  5. The SafuuX ecosystem will set the trend and be a general crypto project template moving forward for any serious DeFi projects out there with actual plans to succeed.
  6. Safuu/SafuuX will do more to onboard the nearly 80% of people who have not dabbled with crypto yet than any other project that existed or will exist in the next 5 years.
  7. People everywhere are desperate for yield, and it has been that way for many decades now. Once it becomes known there is a viable option out there (Safuu/SafuuX,) the interest in the protocol will grow to where the SFX blockchain will become unstoppable, and giving so many people the opportunity to live more up to their potential in this life.
  8. Safuu/SafuuX is the biggest innovation in crypto since Bitcoin itself. This fact alone is going to take two to three years to sink into the minds of everyone, but then by that time Safuu/SafuuX will be a mover and shaker in crypto and a household name.

It is obvious to thousands of people right now that the potential upside for Safuu/SafuuX is nearly unlimited. Soon, there will be millions of users and eventually billions of market cap. Never has a project grown so fast and so big so quickly than SAFUU has. The genius behind the implementation and dynamic rollout of the technology built into Safuu/SafuuX is giving all who are willing to see it for what it is, renewed faith in cryptocurrency and a feeling of being back on track with their original goals when they first got into crypto. For the lucky new users to the project, and those without much experience in crypto, congratulations; you have just saved yourself mountains of frustration and financial losses with the steep learning curve involved with crypto — simply by latching on to Safuu/SafuuX. From the behind-the-scenes developers churning away in their space, to the smallest holders of Safuu, to the tireless CEO, Safuu/SafuuX is promising to lift the boats of millions of users over time. The current financial state of the world leaves a lot to be desired with many predicting gloom and doom. Not so for SAFUU holders. Just as the fiat-based systems in countries begins to fail and become unpredictable, Safuu/SafuuX is rising to glorious heights completely negating any effect this downturn would have on SAFUU holders and investors. For such a young project, SAFUU is living up to and exceeding its expectations by leaps and bounds, so who could blame such a community of people for displaying an almost religious fanaticism with regards to the success of SAFUU. You have a choice. Be on the right side of history — be invested into SAFUU/SAFUUX.


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